School Site Council
Woodworth-Monroe TK-8

We need the help and participation of five (5) committed parents who are willing to be part of our School Site Council.
What is School Site Council? School Site Council (SSC) is a group made up of teachers, parents, staff and students that works with the principal to develop, review and evaluate our school improvement plan, programs and budget.
What are the requirements to be on School Site Council? Members of SSC must be elected by their peers. Nominations will be open on our school website from Tuesday, 9/3 through Friday 9/6. You may also come by the main office and turn in a nomination form. The vote will be held online via a Google Survey on Monday, September 9 with polling closing at midnight. Elected members serve for two (2) years.
What are the responsibilities of SSC members? Members meet once per month to review, develop, and monitor our Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). This group also has a responsibility of oversight of the categorical funds budget. They work to ensure that our categorical money is being spent to further the goals spelled out in our SPSA.
What do I need to do if Iām interested, or if I know someone who is interested? Go onto our website and self-nominate or nominate a friend.
For questions please communicate with our principal Mr. Stuart Caldwell.