Orientation Schedule - Sailing the Virtual Sea

Welcome Back Mariners!

Orientation is quickly approaching...

Who: TK-3rd Grade

What: Information regarding how the school will run virtually, attendance, grades, teacher office hours, etc.

When: August 16 from 5-6pm


Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88470809037?pwd=dzdWa29LeGtmSXFISHk4bFVrMHlFZz09

Passcode: 2CZ5RT

Spanish Translation Phone #

(609) 491-2412 

Pin: 907 395 311#

Who: 4th-6th Grade 

What: Information regarding how the school will run virtually, attendance, grades, teacher office hours, etc.

When: August 17 from 5-6pm


Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84696096191?pwd=YXpvMU1BZTRqVGF2eUpCazVkbGhZdz09

Spanish Translation Phone #

(929) 445-3574

Pin: 485 418987#

Who: 7th and 8th Grade 

What: Information regarding how the school will run virtually, attendance, grades, teacher office hours, etc.

When: August 18 from 5-6pm


Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82403674145?pwd=Y3plamhrd1BXUUhGR2VyRzh6VFEwUT09

Spanish Translation Phone #:

(413) 337-2496

Pin: 360 328 091#